Historic Areas of Istanbul Turkey

Straddling two continents, and between two seas, Istanbul enjoys a unique position. A European and an Asian side. A natural strait - Bosphorus - separates the two. Earlier going by the names Byzantium and Constantinople, it is home to over 15 million people. - Historic Areas of Istanbul - Travelure ©

Gaziantep Turkey – A UNESCO Gastronomy Creative City

In one room, over a dozen traditional chefs were at work. They were creating sheets of white flour, thinner than muslin. The room had a haze of flour. The rolling pins were a yard and a half long. These sheets were being sheared off the pins in delicate layers. And all this, happening on a table over 25 feet long! - Gaziantep Turkey - A UNESCO Gastronomy Creative City - Travelure ©

Proboscis Monkeys in Sabah Borneo

The joyous exclamations of successful captures punctuated the combined clickety-clack of our cameras. But the light was fading fast. The monkeys were slowing down... - Proboscis Monkeys in Sabah Borneo - Travelure ©

Galle Fort Galle Sri Lanka

A few metres inside the fort, I found myself on a crossroads. I realised I had to be my own guide. I spotted a lighthouse. Being a sea lover, I chose to go that way. - Galle Fort, Galle, Sri Lanka - Travelure ©

Temple of Heaven Beijing China

In the cool shade, I spotted a couple of sexagenarians. They were facing each other. Clasping each other’s arms, they moved in tandem. Their moves resembled part dance, part hand combat. A few seconds and I realised it was their morning workout - Tai Chi. - Temple of Heaven Beijing China - Travelure ©

World’s Tallest Building Burj Khalifa Dubai

Khalifa means ‘leader’. An apt word to describe a structure that has broken most world records for architecture. Tallest. Highest. Longest. First. Most. These are only some of the superlatives used for this magical creation. The reason why I call it magical is that you can watch the sunset from the base of the building. Then, get into an elevator right to the top, and watch the sunset all over again. - World’s Tallest Building Burj Khalifa Dubai - Travelure ©

Pokhara – The Jewel of Nepal

Yet, not all places in the Himalayas offer it all. But Pokhara? Well, it presents it all. Wrapped as a neat bundle. Complete with icing. And cherry topping. So, calling it our planet's landmark will not be wrong. - Pokhara - The Jewel of Nepal - Travelure ©

Bet Guvrin-Maresha Caves Israel

Bet Guvrin and Maresha caves lie scattered over a large area of 1250 acres in Judean Lowlands. The locals call it the Land of the Caves and Hiding Places (Official Name: Bet Guvrin National Park). There are over 500 caves containing more than 3500 rooms. The distance is about 60 km from Jerusalem. - Bet Guvrin-Maresha Caves Israel - Travelure ©

